Bridgetown College is a Waterford and Wexford Education and Training Board School
Waterford & Wexford ETB

Incoming First Year Students


Make sure to download our school app, VSware. It is our primary communication method between the school and parents.

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I would like to extend a warm welcome to all those visiting our page for parents of incoming First Year students. We hope that the information here is useful but if there is something that you wish to know that is not here, please contact the school to find out. Alternatively, click on the link above to ask your question and we will add the answer to this section. Taking care of your child and their wellbeing is a priority for our school. To that end, the school will have in place for September:-

Meitheal Leaders – who are current LC2 students who will help with any problems or queries your child might have when they enter the school;

Class tutor – who is a teacher that teaches your child. This role is pastoral in nature and gives the student easy access to a teacher to discuss any problems they may be having.

Year Head – who will be the head of year for 1st year and will make sure that students settle into our school and she is there to guide and advise their year group.

Assistant Year Head - who helps the year head and will get to know your child over the course of their first year in school.

Guidance Counsellors Ms Browne, Ms Sinnott and Ms Cullen are always available to speak to students and steer them in the right direction.

Home School Community Liaison – Ms Norris, our HSCL, is always available to help students and their families.

School Management – We are always here to support your child.

Kindest regards,

Adrian Power – Principal

Anne Cullen – Deputy Principal

Q & A for incoming First Year Students

How do I pay for food in the canteen?

The canteen will take cash or card. Many students have Revolute cards. In some instances, the canteen will take pre payment from parents for their children. Please contact the school if you would like to look at this option.

What if my child gets in to school early?

Our canteen is open before 8am each morning so there is a warm place for students to go. They can also avail of a free breakfast there also.

When do First Year students start school?

This date needs to be confirmed and will be shortly. This is an induction day where you will meet your class tutor and year head. You will receive all of your books and a locker to put them in. You will also meet your Meitheal Leaders. They are Leaving Cert 2 students who will be assigned to your class for first year and will be there to help you out in any way they can.

Where can I get my uniform?

Uniforms are available in Wallaces, Wellingtonbridge, Hore’s Stores and Shaws in Wexford town.
Our uniform consists of a plain pale blue shirt, a blue jumper with the school crest and navy trousers (or skirt for girls) and a navy jacket with the school crest. To allow for laundering and/or accidents students need at least two of each of the uniform items listed above.

Students are required to wear completely plain black shoes or navy deck shoes.

A school jacket is now included in the school uniform. Alternative jackets may not be worn at school.

In PE classes students wear a track-suit bottom or shorts, a tee-shirt and non-marking runners. Students may need swimming togs from time to time. Students should bring a towel for showering.

If I live near the school can I go home at lunch time?

Yes. Students living in Bridgetown can apply to go on the Lunch List if they wish to go home for a home cooked lunch. These forms are available in the main office and should be returned to the deputy principal for ratification. Students can only go their own home and a parent(s) must be available to supervise them. Students may not go to any other relative’s house and may not bring friends with them. It only applies to lunch time, not small break and it is not a pass to go to the shop.

When will I know what choice subjects I have been assigned?

Students will receive their timetables and subject list on their first day but timetables will be available from around the middle of August through our VSware App available from your App Store. You will be notified when they are released. The preferences are based on preferences entered before the summer. If a student wishes to apply for a change of subject, they must see Ms Cullen, the deputy principal. Students have been given their preferences in so far as is possible. However, due to space restrictions in classes it is not always possible to get everyone everything they wanted and changes cannot always be accommodated. Change of subject requests will be entertained until the end of September.

How much do I have to pay?

There is a miscellaneous fee of €75 (€100 for senior cycle) for all students covering 24 hour student personal insurance, locker rental/maintenance, student journal, VSware, photocopying and other fixed costs incurred by the school. There is a book rental deposit of €25 that covers rental of all of books and stationary for the three years of Junior Cycle and a calculator. This is returned at the end of the three years if the books are returned in good condition. The calculator remains the student’s property.

How can I make these payments?

These payments are made through the school’s online payment system called Way2Pay. You will be sent a link to give you access. All of the schools payments are now done through this portal.

Can my child bring a mobile phone to school?

Yes. However we do not recommend they bring in new phones or phones that are valuable. The school is not responsible for loss or damage to students’ property. The phone must be powered off and out of view at all times during the school day. Phones will be confiscated if they are out when they should not be for the rest of the day. Taking photographs or videos in school is forbidden. 1st and 2nd year students are not allowed use of their phones at any time during the school day as they have devices to allow them to partake in digital technological classroom activities.

What are the school opening times?

The school day is from 9:00am to 3:58pm on Monday to Thursday and from 9:00am to 1:12pm on Friday. It is not always possible to contact the school at break time and lunchtime as the office is not staffed for these periods.

How many classes will I have in a school day?

There are 6 x 58 minute classes Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

There are 4 x 58 minute classes on Friday.

When do we get our breaks?

You get 2 breaks per day

  • Morning Break @ 10:56 for Juniors and 11:11 for Seniors

  • Lunch Break @ 13:22 until 14:02

Can I leave the school grounds at lunch time?

No, students are not allowed to leave the grounds during break times. An exception may be made for students who live near to the school and can go home for lunch (not break). These students must have had a consent form signed by their parents/guardians. They will receive a card that they must have with them when they go home for lunch.

Where do I eat my lunch?

You can eat your lunch in the school canteen.

Can I buy lunch in the school canteen?

Yes, you can buy lunch in the school canteen.

How much does lunch cost?

There is a subsidised lunch available to all students which costs €1.50. For example, a filled roll and a piece of fruit. There is a subsidised hot food selection each day for €2.00. Other choices are available outside of the lunch scheme.

Can students get breakfast before school starts?

Yes, there is a breakfast which is free of charge, available for students who are in early. The canteen is open from 8am.

How many subjects will I be studying in first year?

Core Subjects: All of these subjects will be studied in first year.

English, Maths, Irish (unless you have an Irish exemption), History, Science, Social Personal Health Education (SPHE), Civic Social and Political Education (CSPE), Religion, Physical Education and Digital Literacy.

Optional Subjects: Students will study 3 optional subjects from the following list to be confirmed.

Wood Technology, Engineering, French, Spanish, Geography, Applied Technology, Home Economics, Business Studies, Music, Graphics and Visual Art.

Students are surveyed before they start school to identify their preferences for optional subjects.

Can I change an optional subject after I start school in first year?

If you want to change optional subjects you/your parents or guardians should speak with the Deputy Principal. It may not be possible to change because there may not be room in the class that you wish to change to. In this case your name will be placed on a waiting list in case that a place becomes available.

Do I have to buy all my school text books?

No. The cost of school books will be covered by the free book scheme. Information about the book rental scheme will be sent to parents/guardians of incoming first years before the start of the school year.

When do I get my school text books?

Students are given their books on the first day of school, and this includes a School Journal.

When do I get my timetable?

Students get two copies of their timetable on the first day of school, one they put on the back of their locker door and the other they hold onto. The timetable will tell you what classes you have each day, the name of the teacher that you have for each class and the room number where the class will be held. Timetables will be released digitally sometime around the middle of August on the school app, VSware, available through your App Store.

How do I keep track of my homework?

Every student is required to have a Homework Journal, and you are given time at the end of class to write your homework into your Journal.

Do students get lockers?

Yes, on the first day of school students get their lockers. The maintenance and rental of these is included in the miscellaneous fee of €75.

When can I go to my locker?

You can go to your school locker at set times throughout the school day to organise the books that you need for classes.

In the morning before school starts, during the morning break, during lunch break and at the end of the school day.

Do I need to bring home all the books that I used during the day?

You only need to bring home books that you need for written homework or work that you have been given to learn. Books that you do not need can be left in your locker. As all first years will have devices, some teachers will instruct children to leave their books at home to save on the weight.

What kind of sports can I participate in while at Bridgetown College?

Students participate in Gaelic football, hurling, camogie, soccer, rugby, handball, basketball, athletics as well as equestrian events and other sports.

Can I participate in any other extracurricular activities?

Yes. Several lunch time activities are offered to students. An example of these are choir, orchestra, crafts, table tennis, creative writing and chess.

Can I use my phone in school?

No. Not for any reason.

When is the parent teacher meeting for first years and how does it work?

The parent teacher meeting for first years is usually held in January. It is held at the end of the school day, in the school Gym.

On arrival to the Gym parents/guardians are given a list of teachers that their son /daughter has for class. Teachers are seated around the Gym in alphabetical order and parents/guardians queue to speak with them.

How do I find my way around the school?

There is a map of the school in the School Journal, and on your first day in the school the Meitheal Leaders bring students on a tour of the building. First years need never worry about getting lost because there is always someone to show you where classrooms are. Your timetable will have on it details about which room you should go to for each class.

What is a Meitheal Leader?

Meitheal Leaders are leaving certificate students who help first years settle into school. They meet you regularly during the first term of school and assist with organising activities for students that help them to get to know other students in their class and how the school operates.

What staff other than subject teachers will be working with first years?

Students meet their subject teachers when they are timetabled for them. In addition, students work with other staff members which include:-

Year Head

Each year group has a Year Head. The Year Head looks after the care and development of the students in their year group. Parents can contact The Year Head if they want to discuss issues relating to the overall progress of a student.

Assistant Year Head

This person will help the year head and is another support person there for your child.

Class Tutor

Each class group has a Tutor .Tutors are the link person for students in each class group. Students can speak to the class tutor about anything they are unsure about.

School Guidance Counsellor

The school Guidance Counsellor is available to all students, and supports them with making personal, social and career related choices. Students or their parents/guardians can make an appointment to speak with the counsellor.

Special Education Teaching Co-ordinator (SETCO)

The SETCO helps co-ordinate learning supports for students. Students or their parents/guardians can make an appointment to speak with the SETCO If they need support with schoolwork.

Special Needs Assistants (SNAs)

Special needs assistants assist a small number of students in some classes. They are there to support the teachers as well as the students.

Where can I get more information if I need it?

You can get more information by ringing the school on 053 9135257 or sending an email to There is also a wealth of useful information on this website.

What if I cannot find the answers I need here?

Simple. Click on the link below and enter your question. We will then add the question to this list. Add in you email if you want a personal answer!!!

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Bridgetown College,
Co. Wexford.
Y35 R628

© 2025 Bridgetown College