Bridgetown College is a Waterford and Wexford Education and Training Board School
Waterford & Wexford ETB

Additional Education Needs

Additional Educational Needs in Bridgetown College

Mainstream Support

Our aim in Bridgetown College is to provide an inclusive learning environment, fostering the academic, social and emotional development of all students and enabling everyone to realise their individual potential. We recognise that every student is unique, and our school is committed to creating an inclusive environment where every student feels valued and supported. In Bridgetown College, we welcome students with a wide variety of special educational needs and additional educational needs and, in line with our core values, provision for those with additional needs reflects the diverse range of cultures and abilities of students in our college.

Our AEN Team assists students with additional needs by providing targeted support and strategies to ensure that they can access the curriculum. As is reflected in the new model of support, we utilise supports based on the presenting needs of the student, including those students who may not have a formal diagnosis of any AEN. Identifying needs early allows us to provide timely interventions, with the aim of removing barriers in the classroom. Our Resource Rooms offer a quiet space for students to work individually or in small groups, with access to specialised resources and teachers.

Effective provision for students with AEN in Bridgetown College is part an inclusive whole-school framework which emphasises effective teaching and learning and meaningful collaboration between the college, parents/guardians and students. We encourage open communication with parents and we collaborate with external agencies, where appropriate, to meet students’ needs effectively. Regular meetings allow us to discuss progress, concerns and adjustments to support plans.

Our school celebrates diversity and we believe that every learner has unique strengths and abilities. If you have any questions or need further information, feel free to contact our AEN coordinators through the school office. We are here to support every student on their educational journey.

Class for Students with Autism

History of the ASD Unit

The Bridgetown College ASD Programme was established with one classroom in September 2009 and in September 2010 a second classroom was opened. Due to predicted need in the area, a new building was completed in April 2015. Finally, in 2017, our 3rd class was opened giving us a capacity to cater for 18 students.

Our Philosophy

The development of the Bridgetown College ASD Programme is based on the philosophy of educational inclusion, where students with specialised needs receive their education within the least restrictive setting of the school’s mainstream classrooms and activities.

At the same time, students in the ASD Programme can access the Green Building for curricular support classes, social outings & classes unique to the ASD Programme focusing on each student’s own strengths and needs.

What We Provide

In the Bridgetown ASD Programme we provide the opportunity for all of our students to achieve the greatest level of meaningful independence, whilst at the same time catering for their educational needs.

Classes take the form of individualised support to mainstream inclusion. The Green Building classes involve curricular support and also classes unique to the ASD

These unique classes include:

  • Communication & Organisational Skills
  • Numeracy & Literacy
  • Social Skills
  • Personal Care & Problem solving
  • Living in the Community
  • Preparation for Work & Third Level
  • Emotional Intelligence Skills
  • Social Outings into the wider community
  • Individualised Planning
  • Students’ progress is kept under regular review

Students in special classes have a detailed support plan setting out clear goals and strategies to meet their diverse needs, in line with the NEPS Continuum of Support Guidelines. Support plans are based on a detailed assessment of individual needs. They include key independence and communication goals designed to facilitate students’ inclusion in mainstream classes to the greatest possible extent, and/or a return to mainstream placement, where feasible.

We teach a wide range of students from those looking to pursue state examinations (Junior Certificate, Junior Certificate Schools Programme, the new Junior Certificate Level Two Award Leaving Cert Applied and Leaving Certificate), to those focusing on personal skills aimed at increasing their quality of life, independence and life skills once they graduate from Bridgetown College.

Provision for students with special educational needs includes team-teaching, one-to-one tuition, small group tuition and reduced class size in English and Maths (where feasible). We also provide support for ASD students in our purpose built three classroom building. Our SEN Support teachers work closely with students, their parents/guardians, other teachers, the SENO, educational psychologists and other professionals and agencies. Ms Siobhan Maguire coordinates mainstream SEN and Mr Robert Healy coordinates provision for the ASD students.

Feb 06
LC2 Mocks
Feb 10
LC1 Work Experience
Feb 10
LCA2 Mocks
Feb 12
JC3 Mocks
Bridgetown College,
Co. Wexford.
Y35 R628

© 2025 Bridgetown College